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Monday, 12 September 2011

Visual studio 2010 run post build events based on debug or release mode

Using a batch file that should be run after post build is a common task. But some actions are not required in debug mode and some times in release mode.

To achieve this create 2 batch files
1. debugpostbuild.bat
2. releasepostbuild.bat

Update post-build event command line as follows:-
1. goto VS2010 -> right click on your project -> properties -> Build Events
2. copy below code

if $(ConfigurationName) == Release (
call $(SolutionDir)\debugpostbuild.bat
else (
call $(SolutionDir)\releasepostbuild.bat

That's it. so simple.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke


  1. Just this will do:
    call $(SolutionDir)\$(ConfigurationName)postbuild.bat

  2. How can I use VS enviromnent variables like $(ProjectDir) within the bat file ?

  3. Pass $(ProjectDir) as an argument to the batch file as :-

    call $(SolutionDir)\$(ConfigurationName)postbuild.bat $(ProjectDir)

    use %1 inside your batch file to refer to the argument passed


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