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Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Passing vArguments or dialogArguments with

Arguments can only be passed with window.showModalDialog which is quite helpful. But consider your application is using these arguments extensively in your website and suddenly it appears modal dialog is not supported on all browsers. Opera does not support modal dialog, now instead of changing the existing functionality the work around would be as follows:-

1. Detect if browser support modal dialog or not and then assign arguments
var vArguments = new Object();
vArguments.test1 = "test1 data";
vArguments.test2 = "test2 data";
if (window.showModalDialog) {
window.showModalDialog(sURL, vArguments, sFeatures);
window.dialogArguments = vArguments;, "_blank", sFeatures);

2. Now inside the pop-up window access the arguments

 var dialogArguments ;
if (window.showModalDialog) {
 dialogArguments = window.dialogArguments;
else {
 dialogArguments = window.opener.dialogArguments;

Now this should work like a charm.

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