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Thursday, 2 December 2010

Adding custom buttons to jquery datepicker showButtonPanel

JQuery solves most the requirements of date with the datepicker. Ok now, to add some extra functionality for datepicker such as providing some custom buttons in the buttonpanel after enabling it via "showButtonPanel : true".

Here is a snippet of code that should do the trick:-

 showButtonPanel: true,
      beforeShow: function( input ) {
 setTimeout(function() {
   var buttonPane = $( input )
     .datepicker( "widget" )
     .find( ".ui-datepicker-buttonpane" );

   var btn = $('');
   .bind("click", function () {
    $.datepicker._clearDate( input );

   btn.appendTo( buttonPane );

 }, 1 );

with the html as


should display the datepicker with clear option as:-

“From a programmer’s point of view, the user is a peripheral that types when you issue a read request.”
– P. Williams


  1. hi, the button desapear when the next, previous or year select is clicked, do you know how to correct that?... i'll hope you can help me, thank for your post

  2. code that works

    function AddClearButton(input)
    .bind("click", function () {
    if($(input).val() != "") {
    $.datepicker._clearDate( input );

    btn.appendTo( buttonPane );
    }, 1 );

    showButtonPanel: true,
    beforeShow: function( input ) {
    onChangeMonthYear:function( year, month, inst ) {

  3. Saif, your code is good. Still have some issues. If you press the monthchange button rapidly, you would have two or three AddClearButton calls resulting in two three buttons. Below is my improvised code.

    function AddClearButton(input)
    var buttonPane = $( input )
    .datepicker( "widget" )
    .find( ".ui-datepicker-buttonpane" );

    var btn = $('<button id="customClearButton" class="ui-datepicker-current ui-state-default ui-priority-secondary ui-corner-all" type="button">Any Date</button>');
    .bind("click", function () {
    $('#calender').val('Any Date');

    // Check if buttonPane has that button

    btn.appendTo( buttonPane );
    }, 1 );

  4. This is an awesome post.Really very informative and creative contents. These concept is a good way to enhance the knowledge.I like it and help me to article very well.Thank you for this brief explanation and very nice information.Well, got a good knowledge.


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